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Rok 1996 - kandydaci

Album roku:

  • album Blue System - Body To Body by³ jedynym jaki Dieter wyprodukowa³ w 1996 roku, wiêc przechodzi bezpo¶rednio do g³osowania na najlepszy album lat 1990 - 2003

Singiel roku:

  1. Blue System - Only With You - 38% - ZWYCIÊZCA
  2. Blue System - Body To Body - 22%
  3. Blue System - For The Children - 20%
  4. Atisha - Secret Of The Night - 14%
  5. Double Trouble - Come On Pussies - 4%
  6. Major T - Dicky Down - 2%

Piosenka roku:

Ostateczne g³osowanie:
  1. Blue System - Only With You - 42% - ZWYCIÊZCA
  2. Blue System - Dam, Dam - 19%
    Blue System - On And On - 19%
  3. Blue System - Deeper, Deeper - 12%
  4. Blue System - For The Children - 8%

Pierwsze g³osowanie:

  1. Blue System - Only With You - 13%
    Blue System - For The Children - 13% 
    Blue System - Dam, Dam - 13% 
    Blue System - On And On - 13% 
  2. Blue System - Deeper, Deeper - 11%
  3. Atisha - Secret Of The Night - 9% 
  4. Blue System - Body To Body - 8%
  5. Blue System - Can This Be Love? - 5%
    Blue System - Thank God, It's Friday Night - 5%
  6. Blue System - It's For You - 4%
    Blue System - Freedom - 4%
  7. Blue System - Oh, I Miss You - 3%
  8. Major T - Dicky Down - 1%
  9. Double Trouble - Come On Pussies - 1%
  10. Major T - Robitnic 10 - 0%

DziÅ› 27.07.2024
Kalendarium: rocznica ¶lubu Thomasa i Nory (1985)

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Brother Louie - Bassflow 3.0 Extended Mix
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